In this, the next-to-last installment in our series revisiting Gibby Haynes’ 1995 Austin radio show, the Butthole Surfer and co-host Robbie Jacks take a call from a man apparently not wearing pants, get “Low” with Cracker, jam the Pet Shop Boys, mock a one-armed drummer and pick the winner of some sweet 1995 Pearl Jam tickets.
Related Posts:
- Butthole Radio: Party like it’s 1995!
Flashback to Gibby Haynes’ radio daze as a host on Austin’s 101-X - Butthole Radio: More Gibby gold from KROX 101-X
Part 2 of our flashback to the Butthole Surfer’s adventures on the Austin airwaves - Butthole Radio: Gibby Haynes on 101-X
Part 3 of our flashback to the Butthole Surfer’s adventures on the Austin airwaves - Butthole Radio: Sufferin’ succotash!
Part 5 of our week-long flashback to Gibby Haynes’ 1995 radio show on Austin’s 101-X
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